Daily25 Betting Blog

Year 3 – New bank

For the past 2 years, my bank for most models was $50,000 with different Kelly amounts depending on how confident I was in the model. I did not move these banks once during that time, but made slight adjustments to the Kellys. Including my initial starting bank, my total bank now stands at $166,000.

To be safe, I am only increasing my bank to $75,000. A 50% increase. This will be the base limit, it will not drop below this. But I will be incorporating an independent moving bank at the end of each week for each model. If the tennis model makes $10,000 in the first week, the bank for Tennis will be $85,000 for week two, if it loses $20,000 in the second week, the bank will revert to the base of $75,000 and continue at that number until it is in profit again.

The goal for this year is to achieve a Return on Capital of 200% which totals $150,000. Which is $410 a day. I can’t really change the website address, so daily25.com really doesn’t have much meaning any longer, but everything will stay at this site.

I see no reason for this goal not to be achieved and with a moving bank, it may even surpass it. Only time will tell.

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