Oct 26th – Nov 1st -$1,136.66

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2 Responses

  1. Jeff says:

    Do you think its possible to use a SP subscription wisely on Central European time? Are the release times just geared to the aussies as its an aussie site?

  2. admin says:

    Hi Jeff,
    I’m not sure on your time difference so can’t give an exact answer. It depends on what sport also.

    Tennis is uploaded a few hours before the first match. As the tour goes around the world, some months I need to bet early in the morning, other months late at night. The last month has seen the bets being released at 5pm.

    NHL is at 6pm each day (aussie time), NBL is around the same time on game days. AFL was midday a day before the first game. They are all different, some would be fine for Europeans, others maybe not.

    The other issue is how quickly the prices move. With AFL you need to get on pretty quickly, MLB I noticed that the quicker the better as well. But lately Tennis and NHL don’t really move all that much once the tips are released.

    Sportpunter has a forum and there are a few European members, I suggest joining the forum and asking them for their own experiences, people on the forum are always happy to help.

    I hope this rambling helped somewhat.

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