Oct 2nd – Oct 8th +$11,867.72

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4 Responses

  1. Michael says:

    So how is the cruise? I have never been on a cruise ship but I thought cruise ships are mostly filled with old couples in their retirement years.

  2. admin says:

    You are 100% correct. Especially long ones, there are maybe 3 other couples our age and then everyone else is well into their 70s and 80s.

  3. Jamie says:

    just come across your blog, love it mate, very interesting journey so far.
    RE: Golf, Nicko is a good bloke and proven winner, golf can be such a grind but his start of the year was sensational, I see you are struggling to get some of the prices, I am not a fan of him using random UK books that dont take a bet as his bets but you can usually get better prices on BF especially later in the week, Ive found the trendy picks ~40/1 to be the ones that shorten up so its just something you need to maybe pay attention to on twitter as there are usually a couple trendy picks that lots are on which do shorten up quite a bit.
    seems like you hopped on at a poor time as if you had found him at the start of the year your favourite sport would probably be golf!

    keep up the good work, will be reading from now on

  4. admin says:

    Hi Jamie, thanks for the comment.
    At the moment the Golf isn’t performing, but with such large odds this is understandable. I’ve found the same thing with the shorter odds, they usually come in very quickly. Like you said, the longer odds are usually attainable. All my UK accounts were closed a long time ago and the Australian books don’t price up golf until much later in the week and the odds are poor. BF is good on big tournaments but there is no liquidity early for the other tournaments.
    I’m sure another win is right around the corner.
    Thanks again for reading the blog.

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