Nov 27th – Dec 3rd -$3,411.77

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5 Responses

  1. Michael says:

    Have you asked Jon to record his AFL bets 30 minutes after release? Would be interesting to see what kind of results the AFL model would get then.

  2. admin says:

    I have indeed Michael, I was actually talking to him about this very issue last week. I believe all his models should take odds 30 minutes after he releases them. He believes that all his models odds be taken just from Pinnacle and people can match or exceed those odds.

    I off course disagree, and in sports such as tennis, i can usually get better odds later, but for the majority of sports, if I am not at the computer at time of release I have to accept worse odds.

    But in defense of Sportpunter models, as long as I am at the computer then I can get my bets on at the advised odds, sadly this isn’t so for the majority of other models as the max bets early on are very low.

    I would say the AFL lines move out at least a point withing 30 minutes and even though it would still be the greatest model I have come across, I did win 1 or 2 half point games this season.

  3. Michael says:

    It will be tough getting those pay services to change.

    Insider Betting doesn’t sound very promising. An already popular service betting lower leagues and odds hard to follow. Think I’ll pass 🙂

    But I will give credit to Football Investor who I think you wrote last season was someone who posted odds that were impossible to get. I wasn’t following him last season but I am this season and he has changed the way he records his odds. I have had no problems with his quoted odds so far.

  4. admin says:

    Agree, but over time they will lose more and more customers and eventually they will have no business left. Honesty and trust are very important to me when choosing a tipster.

    As always, i’ll be the guinea pig :), the fact is, if I can make a profit then anyone will be able to.

    Yep, Football Investor is doing a great job of quoting fair odds, big Kudos there.

  5. Michael says:

    Thanks for being the guinea pig 🙂 I enjoy reading your honest reviews of these services. Its very helpful.

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