Dec 11th – Dec 17th -$14,757.67

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3 Responses

  1. daily25 says:


  2. Brian says:

    Strange question but what were the 9 losses if you don’t mind me asking? I follow winabobatoo ratings and just curious as to whether the same sides were recommended across both services. Have you looked at Winabobatoo? This season is not as great as past have been but very professionally run in the way they send out magazines etc. Only issue as always is getting the advertised odds which always affects the actual ROI to that touted. There are some nice articles included to help with the betting IQ in the same fashion you mentioned about ClubGowi the other week.

  3. Steve says:

    Hoffenheim DNB (Refunded)
    Aston Villa DNB

    I haven’t looked at winabobatoo. If I can’t get within 5c on average then these services are garbage in my mind. This is also the problem with following SBC recommendations. They only track the fact that the odds were available, the don’t actually try and place a sizable bet on it.

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