Category: Business


2019 Annual Review

Another year passes and I grow a little older (and hopefully wiser). My now wife and I rang in the new year in the emergency room at the hospital. It was a horrible start to...


2018 Annual Review

Each year I like to look over the past 12 months. The years seem to be flying by at the moment. This review will look at all the major parts of my life. Family, health,...


Looking for a programmer (PHP)

For the past year, I’ve been working on a new betting site that I hope will become the only resource you use for all your betting needs. To get it into everyone’s hands as quickly...


Affiliate commissions: February 2017

Month two and a big fat $0 in commissions. Which means my players did well with their betting in February. They actually did very very well. Taking $44,820.00 from the bookies. As I was concentrating...


Affiliate commissions: January 2017

This is a new monthly report I will be doing in 2017. As mentioned in a previous post, my goal for affiliates in 2017 is to build them up and by the start of 2018...