2019 Annual Review

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14 Responses

  1. Jim says:

    Thanks for writing this! I can’t imagine how inspiring these words must be for youngsters. As another 40yo bloke, I can relate to pretty much everything you said here. Two questions about angel investing: Didn’t you get involved in new ones since 2014? And where/how did you get involved (personal meetings, online, e.t.c.)? Congrats and here’s to an even happier 2020!

  2. admin says:

    Thanks Jim, this is a classic case of if this idiot (me) can do it, so can you. I’m not sure if I tried to replicate the last 10 years again I would have the stamina.

    I used angel.co and followed people smarter than me (Calacanis, Naval, Ferriss, Others).
    I invested from 2014 to 2016 and have just been reinvesting in future rounds.

    I decided to wait out 10 years, see what my returns would be and potentially do more in my mid-40s. So still waiting for the experiment to end. But it looks like I hit a home run on my first go (beginners luck) and if I continue I might be chasing that elusive unicorn again for the rest of my life.

  3. Sam says:

    Hey Steve, great write up as always, every year I look forward to this.
    Out of curiosity, how many people visit the daily25 site every day?

    I always thought it would be Daily Profit Members + a few more, I’m quite impressed how well you monetise this blog


  4. admin says:

    Hey Sam,
    This site barely gets any views these days. Usually just over 100 visits a day. When I post a new article it goes up to around 1,000 views. Back in the early days when I was blogging every few days, it would average well over 1,000 visitors a day.

    The site makes very little on its own, but most members of Dailyprofit first find this site and then join the service, so really, all of Dailyprofits earnings come from this site.

  5. Reece Crowther says:

    Fantastic article Steve!

  6. Joao says:

    Hi Steve,

    You are an inspiration. Still don’t know how I got into an Aussie website being so far away, but glad it happened. Wish all the best to you and the family. Looking forward to follow your steps this year.

    Cheers !

  7. admin says:

    Thanks Reece

  8. admin says:

    Hey Joao,
    Thanks, hope you have a fantastic year as well.

  9. brian says:

    Well done Steve. Always of great interest to learn how you have fared at the end of a year and nice to see once again that you have finished in front. Best wishes for your continued success into 2020 and beyond.
    Kind regards,

  10. admin says:

    Thanks Brian.

  11. Lewis says:

    Another great post and annual update Steve . Although I am not a paying member, I have been a subscriber for multiple years now. I have always appreciated your transparency. Very hard to come by in this industry. Wishing you and us all a prosperous 2020!

  12. admin says:

    Thanks Lewis. Hope you have an amazing 2020 as well.

  13. Jallin says:

    Thank’s for sharing Steve. I’m from Brazil and I follow each year’s review. I’m now the 30 years betting guy, and I learned a lot with you. This year I leave the tips, 3.5% ROI it just didn’t pay the work. I also believe in bitcoin, and stocks. You should take a look in Brazilian stock market, looks great.

    Have a great year, you have a amazing family,

  14. admin says:

    Thanks Jallin,
    I’ve been looking at emerging markets. But as I have no real advantage over anyone else, I will stay away from them.

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